En voiture :- Nous voici à Boulogne.
Cherchons maintenant l’immeuble de Marie et Victor.
Ils habitent rue Lafayette, près de la mairie et leur immeuble a une porte bleue.
Voici la mairie… Voici la rue Lafayette.
- Regarde Papa, une porte bleue.
- Je me gare.
Appartement n°11 (onze).
In the car :
- We are now at Boulogne.
Let’s seek for Marie and Victor’s building.
They live rue Lafayette, near the city hall and their building has a blue gate.
Here is the city hall… Here is the rue Lafayette.
- Look, Dad, a blue gate.
- I park the car.
Appartment #11.
In the car :
- We are now at Boulogne.
Let’s seek for Marie and Victor’s building.
They live rue Lafayette, near the city hall and their building has a blue gate.
Here is the city hall… Here is the rue Lafayette.
- Look, Dad, a blue gate.
- I park the car.
Appartment #11.
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No new grammatical notion is this lesson. Instead, we have strenghten the vocabulary part. |
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In English, door and gate are two different things. They’ll be translated with the same word in French : porte. |
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Voiture (fém.) : car. Chercher : to look for, to seek, to seek for. Maintenant : now. Immeuble (masc.) : building. Rue (fém.) : street. Près de : near. Mairie (fém.) : city hall. Porte (fém.) : gate, door. Garer, se garer : to park. Appartement (masc.): flat, appartment. |
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In French, the definite article (English the) may have different forms : 1. With a masculine and singular noun, we’ll use : le.
Le lion, le singe, le marchand de glace
2. With a feminine and singular noun, we’ll use : la.
la girafe, la panthère
Attention ! If the noun following the determinant begins with a voyel or an unpronounced h, we won’t use le or la anymore but l’ instead.
l’éléphant, l’école, l’enfant
3. With a plural noun, we’ll always use : les
les éléphants, les poupées
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Between 1852 and 1870, Baron Georges-Eugène Haussmann, commissioned by Napoleon III worked on a modernisation program
for the city of Paris. The changes were tremendous. The architecture of that (called architecture haussmannienne)
still remains as the main architecture of Paris. |
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Translate in French : 1. Here’s Marie’s building. 2. Look. The house has a blue door. 3. I park the car. Translate in English : 1. Nous voici à Paris 2. Elles habitent boulevard Haussmann 3. Achetez onze voitures rouges. 4. Tu habites près de la mairie. What about you ? Are you living in a house or an appartment ? Et vous ? Vivez-vous en maison ou en appartement ? |